7 Subtle Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect: Identifying and Understanding CEN
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7 Subtle Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect: Identifying and Understanding CEN


In this blog post, Kati Morton explores the 7 subtle signs of childhood emotional neglect (CEN). Learn how to identify and understand the impact of CEN in your life. Discover ways to cope with the effects and find healing.

What is Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN)?

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) refers to the absence of emotional support and validation during a child's formative years. It is often characterized by parents or caregivers who are emotionally unavailable, neglecting the child's emotional needs. While CEN is not a diagnosable mental disorder, it can have long-lasting effects on a person's emotional well-being and relationships.

In her post, Kati discusses the 7 subtle signs that may indicate you have experienced CEN. It is essential to recognize and address these signs to promote healing and personal growth.

Illustration: Child with a sad facial expression

Illustration: Child with a sad facial expression

Illustration: Person feeling isolated

Illustration: Person feeling isolated

Subtle Sign #1: Difficulty Identifying and Expressing Emotions

One of the indicators of CEN is struggling to identify and express emotions. Growing up, you may have learned to suppress or ignore your feelings, making it challenging to recognize and communicate them as an adult.

Kati emphasizes the importance of validating and accepting your emotions. She suggests practicing mindfulness and seeking therapy to develop emotional awareness and expression.

Illustration: Person struggling to express emotions

Illustration: Person struggling to express emotions

Illustration: Person practicing mindfulness

Illustration: Person practicing mindfulness

Subtle Sign #2: Feeling Empty or Numb

Feeling empty or numb is another common effect of CEN. Due to the lack of emotional attunement and connection during childhood, you may struggle to experience a range of emotions fully.

Kati recommends exploring activities or hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. Engaging in self-care practices can help reconnect with yourself on an emotional level.

Illustration: Person feeling empty

Illustration: Person feeling empty

Subtle Sign #3: Perfectionism and Difficulty with Self-Compassion

CEN can lead to perfectionistic tendencies and self-criticism. Growing up, you may have felt the need to meet unrealistic standards, leading to a constant feeling of not being good enough.

To overcome perfectionism and develop self-compassion, Kati advises practicing self-acceptance and challenging the inner critic. Seeking therapy and support can also be beneficial in addressing these issues.

Subtle Sign #4: Difficulty Setting Boundaries

Another common sign of CEN is struggling with setting boundaries. Due to a lack of emotional guidance and validation in childhood, you may find it challenging to prioritize your needs and assert yourself in relationships.

Kati suggests learning about healthy boundaries and practicing assertiveness skills. Therapy can offer valuable support in developing boundary-setting abilities.

Subtle Sign #5: Feeling Disconnected in Relationships

CEN can impact your ability to form and maintain deep connections with others. You may feel disconnected or struggle with intimacy in relationships.

Kati advises working on building emotional intelligence and vulnerability. Cultivating healthy relationships and seeking therapy can support your journey towards more fulfilling connections.

Subtle Sign #6: Difficulty Trusting Others

CEN can lead to difficulties in trusting others. The lack of emotional support in childhood may make it challenging to believe in the reliability and dependability of others.

To address trust issues, Kati recommends exploring therapy and building a support network of trusted individuals. Learning to trust oneself is also vital in overcoming this challenge.

Subtle Sign #7: Difficulty Prioritizing Self-Care

CEN can make it challenging for individuals to prioritize their own well-being. Growing up, you may have learned to suppress your needs and focus on others, neglecting self-care.

Kati highlights the importance of self-care practices and setting aside time for yourself. Learning to prioritize your own well-being is essential for healing from CEN.

    • Maxine Howard
    • 09-24 19:19:34

    Comment: The illustrations used in this post perfectly captured the emotions discussed. It made the content even more relatable and engaging. Great job, Kati!

    • Anita Holland
    • 09-22 10:32:43

    Comment: I appreciate the inclusion of the shopping list. It's helpful to have specific resources to explore if I want to further delve into this topic. Thank you for going the extra mile!

    • Celina Welch
    • 09-22 10:23:54

    Comment: As someone who grew up with CEN, this post resonated deeply with me. I've struggled with setting boundaries and expressing my emotions. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone, and there are ways to overcome these challenges.

    • Sylvia Moore
    • 09-20 14:45:35

    Comment: This post was incredibly insightful! I never realized how childhood emotional neglect could affect my adult life. Thank you, Kati, for shedding light on this topic and providing helpful strategies for healing.

    • Sally Daniels
    • 09-20 13:22:07

    Comment: This post was an eye-opener for me. I realized that many of the signs mentioned apply to my own experiences. Thank you for raising awareness about childhood emotional neglect and providing valuable guidance for healing.

    • Brandie Garrett
    • 09-20 12:48:57

    Comment: Wow, this post touched my heart. I had no idea that feeling empty or disconnected could be related to childhood emotional neglect. I'll definitely be exploring the resources mentioned to work on healing myself.

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